University Administration

Welcome to the website of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta! Administratively, the university is led by the Rector and consists of four vice rectors: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for General Administration, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Institutional Affairs.

1. Academic/Chancellor

Dr. Tholabi Kharlie was appointed as Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UIN Jakarta. Tholabi is committed to helping realize the vision and mission of the Rector of UIN Jakarta.

"As Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Tholabi will certainly help realize the vision and mission of the Rector in the academic field."

The above commitment is to improve the quality of learning through improving the quality and qualifications of lecturers, learning methodology, learning media, learning materials, strengthening academic administration aspects, and international publications by lecturers.

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi, S.Ag., S.H., M.H., M.A.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs


Warek 1


2. General Administration

The General Administration Division is held by Prof. Dr. Imam Subchi, M.A. as the Rector's

assistant in the field of campus administration.

Vice Rector for General Administration


Warek 2

3. Student Support and Service Department and International Office

The Vice Rector for Student Affairs is the first point of contact as the center of information regarding the admission of new prospective students, as an assistant to the Rector in fostering students and alumni.

Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A., Ph.D.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs


Warek 3

- Public Relations Team

Public Relations at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta is centered on a network that handles the campus both in relation to institutions on campus and off campus.

Phone: (021) 7401925 ext 1829


- Academic Calendar/ Study and examinations matter

Here we present the course schedule for prospective students and guests of our university who wish to find out more about course scheduling. Information about the academic calendar or lecture schedule in each semester will always be updated and carried out by the public relations of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Phone: (021) 7401925 ext 1829


- Application and admission/ International Office and Welcome Center

Everything related to application, admission, enrollment information (immatriculation), student audits at our university-including international applicants can see the official website of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta or contact the following contacts:

Phone: (021) 7401925 ext 1829


4. Cooperation and Institutional/Organizational Development Officer

The Vice Chancellor for Cooperation and Institutional Development is an organizational development officer in cooperation with existing institutions as an assistant to the Chancellor. In charge of managing and controlling digital development projects between the university administration and academia. This includes but is not limited to projects and processes aimed at achieving a public service-oriented university administration. Domestic and overseas cooperation is included.

Din Wahid, M.A., Ph.D.

Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Affairs


Warek 4