
  • Network for Diversity and Equal Opportunity

The office that manages the university's Network for Diversity and Equal Opportunity has a crucial responsibility in ensuring an inclusive and equitable educational environment for all individuals. Through the development of policies, programs and resources that support diversity, this office plays a role in promoting equal access and opportunity for students, staff, faculty and the university. By coordinating efforts across departments and engaging the entire campus community, the office aims to create a safe and supportive space for all members of the university, where differences are valued and used as strengths for learning and personal growth.

  • Officer for Foreign Service

The office in charge of foreign service plays an important role in managing international relations and facilitating services related to students, staff, and faculty involved in international activities at the university. The duties of this office include various aspects, such as providing information and administrative support related to study abroad, student exchanges, and international academic cooperation. In addition, they may also be involved in visa processing, licensing, and other legal compliance related to international activities. In addition, these offices may be the main point of contact for international partners, donor agencies, or international organizations to facilitate cooperation and exchange of expertise between the university and overseas entities. As such, the foreign service office plays a role in supporting quality international experiences for the entire university community and promoting the university's international image on a global level.

  • Disabilitty Representative

The office responsible for disability representation at the university has responsibility for ensuring accessibility and adequate support for students, staff, and faculty who have special needs. The main duties of this office include the identification and evaluation of individual needs, the provision of appropriate accommodations, and the provision of additional resources and support to ensure equality of access within the educational environment. In addition, they may also engage in advocacy for inclusive policies and practices, as well as providing disability awareness training to members of the university community. Through these efforts, disability representative offices play a role in ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities to succeed in their education and personal development, without unnecessary barriers.

  • Youth and Traine

The office responsible for youth and training at the university has the responsibility to provide support, resources, and programs specifically designed to meet the needs and aspirations of youth in a higher education setting. The duties of this office include providing information on academic programs, career pathways, and skill development opportunities relevant to youth. In addition, they may coordinate internship programs, volunteer opportunities, or other extracurricular activities that help youth gain practical experience and prepare them for a successful future. These offices can also serve as information and advocacy centers for youth-related issues, such as mental health, well-being and social integration on campus. Through these efforts, youth and training offices contribute to the holistic development of youth and prepare them to become competitive and contributing members of society.

  • Data Privacy Officer

The data privacy office is responsible for ensuring that personal information collected and processed by the university is properly protected in accordance with applicable regulations and standards in Indonesia. The main tasks of this office include the development, implementation, and monitoring of data privacy policies that comply with the Personal Data Protection Law (PDP Law) and regulations issued by the National Autorization Board for Personal Data Protection (BAN-PDP). They are responsible for ensuring that the process of collecting, processing, and storing personal information is transparent, secure, and in accordance with legal requirements. In addition, the office also provides training to staff and members of the university community on applicable data privacy policies and maintains compliance with these regulations. Through these efforts, the data privacy office plays a role in protecting individual privacy and maintaining trust in the management of personal information within the university.

  • Resource Protection

The office of resource protection at the university has primary responsibility for safeguarding and managing the university's assets and resources to keep them safe, secure and available for educational, research and operational needs. The duties of this office include developing policies and procedures for the physical and digital protection of university assets, including buildings, equipment, data, and information systems. They are also responsible for physical and cyber security monitoring, as well as implementing necessary security measures such as surveillance, access control, and early detection of threats or damage. Furthermore, this office may be involved in efforts to prevent fires, natural disasters, or other events that could jeopardize university resources. Through proactive and responsive measures, the resource protection office plays a role in maintaining the operational continuity and integrity of university resources in order to effectively support the educational and research missions.

  • Representative for Good Academic

The office of academic quality representation at the university has responsibility for promoting high academic standards and supporting the achievement of academic success for students, staff and faculty. Its main duties include providing advice and support to students in overcoming academic challenges, such as course selection, curriculum planning, and effective learning strategies. In addition, the office is also responsible for managing and facilitating academic development programs, such as study skills training, academic seminars, and other self-development activities. Furthermore, they can act as mediators in resolving academic conflicts between students and academic staff and facilitate communication between students, lecturers, and university administration to enhance the learning experience. Through these efforts, the office of the guardian of academic quality plays a role in ensuring an academic environment that supports and stimulates the intellectual and professional development of all members of the university community.