Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta organizes medical and professional education programs that combine mastery of medical science and Islamic values. The medical curriculum and internalization of Islamic values are the distinguishing values of FK UIN Jakarta from the same faculty in various other universities. Qualified and professional teaching staff, curriculum and learning models, medical laboratories, partner health institutions, and UIN Jakarta Teaching Hospital are factors of excellence of FK UIN Jakarta.Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta organizes medical study programs and medical professions that combine mastery of medical science and Islamic values. The medical curriculum and internalization of Islamic values are the distinguishing values of FK UIN Jakarta from the same faculty in various other universities. Qualified and professional teaching staff, curriculum and learning models, medical laboratories, partner health institutions, and UIN Jakarta Teaching Hospital are factors of excellence of FK UIN Jakarta.
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) organizes medical and professional education programs that combine mastery of medical science and Islamic values. The medical curriculum and internalization of Islamic values are the distinguishing values of FK UIN Jakarta from the same faculty in various other universities. Qualified and professional lecturers, curriculum and learning models, medical laboratories, partner health institutions, and UIN Jakarta Teaching Hospital are factors of excellence of FK UIN Jakarta.
- Obstetrics Gynecology
- Pulomonology
Professor and Associate Professor
- Prof. Dr. dr. H. Sardjana, Sp.OG., S.H.
- Prof. dr. Hari Hendarto, Ph.D., Sp.PDKEMD., FINASIM
- drg. Laifa Annisa Hendarmin, Ph.D.
- Dr. Zeti Harriyati, M.Biomed
- dr. Siti Nur Aisyah Jauharoh, Ph.D.
- dr. Risahmawati, Ph.D.
- dr. Nurul Hiedayati, Ph.D.
- dr. Marita Fadilah, Dr.Med.Sc.
- dr. Flori Ratna Sari, Ph.D.
- Dr. Endah Wulandari, S.Si., M.Biomed.
- dr. Dwi Tyastuti, S.Ked., MPH, Ph.D.
- Dr. dr. Mukhtar Ikhsan, Sp.P(K)., M.A.R.S.
- Dr. dr. Alyya Siddiqa, Sp.FK
- Dr. dr. Achmad Zaki, M.Epid., Sp.OT. FICS
- Chris Adhiyanto, M.Biomed., Ph.D.